Site Credits
The texts for this website were written by the crew in Spring/Summer 2023. DisCO Pink Board members Cindy Kohtala, Ela Kagel, Nathan Schneider, Natalia Avlona and Dmytri Kleiner provided suggestions and additional material.
The designs were produced by Rory Robertson-Shaw of Autonomous Design Group, and implemented by front-end designers Mireia Juan Cuco, from MAKEA and Luis H Porras from Amoved, with Javier Arturo Rodriguez taking care of the backend.
Production of the DisCO Basics has been supported by One Project, Lankelly Chase and our supporters on Open Collective and through our support page. Thank you!
Image Credits
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- DisCO Principles Illustrated PDF by Felipe Duarte
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- DisCO Manifesto cover by Mireia Juan Cuco/MAKEA
- DisCO Elements cover by Guilherme Maueler
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- LABS images sourced from each LAB
- DisCO Journey DisCO balls by Fidel Fernando
- 3 Main Paths on the DisCO Journey by id iom
- 7 Steps on the DisCO Floor by Marcela Laskoski
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- DisCOs in the times of Monsters from Franciso de Goya's Atropos
- DisCO-friendly Policies by Mercè M. Tarres
- DisCO Policies in a Nutshell by Paola Franco
- Taking a Stand with DisCO by Volodymyr Hryshchenko
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- DisCO Elements designs by Guilherme Maueler and Felipe Duarte
- DisCO Economics and Commons Governance infographic art by Felipe Duarte
- DisCO DECK by Open Source Embroidery
- DisCO DECK Hexagons by Sam Balye
- DisCO Stack by Ryan Stone
- DisCO Experience image taken DisCO's Dancing on Moss workshop
- DisCO Baltimore workshop Events and Outreach image by Sandra Przepiorkowska
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- Commonify! by Michael Fenton
- Keep Reading, Watching Listening from Escuelitas Zapatistas
- Dance! Take the DisCO Journey from Georgia de Lotz
- Hackerspaces map taken from the Hackerspaces Wiki
- Get Political/15-M by Aurora Petra
- Fearless Cities Map taken from the Fearless Cities Website
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- All We Have is Words by Alexandra
- DisCO Cat and Stickers by Sari Escribano
- DisCO Space Camp image by
- SuperDisCO by Daniel Fazio
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw/Autonomous Design Group
- The Open Source Conspiracy by Matt Walker
- Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life by id iom
- DisCO in a Nutshell bysnippets101
- Take Your Time, Do it Right infographic art by Felipe Duarte
- Love in the Middle of a Firefight by Dawn Endico
- DisCO Manifesto cover by Mireia Juan Cuco/MAKEA
- DisCO Elements cover by Guilherme Maueler